There’s no excuse for poor application performance now that the Viavi GigaStor is available as a virtualised appliance.
The undisputed leader in Retrospective Network Analysis (RNA), GigaStor eliminates the time-consuming task of recreating problems for troubleshooting. Just hit rewind to go back in time and review past network activity and application performance. Then navigate to the exact moment a problem occurred and see detailed packet-level views before, during, and after an issue occurrence.
One of the great things about this tool is its ability to capture all the packets on your production network and allow you to diagnose network issues and application performance problems that may have happened some time ago.
Of course to do this you need high performance bespoke hardware, with enough memory on board to buffer an enormous amount of traffic while it is written to high performing very fast reliable discs; something you won’t find in a typical virtualised infrastructure.
For many organisations though the ability to flexibly add virtual appliances to their infrastructure as needed brings an enormous scalable benefit to the network team providing the flexibility to capture traffic and diagnose application performance problems in many different scenarios.
Of course there will be times when this approach simply won’t be powerful enough to capture all the traffic, but the flexibility it provides and the great cost benefit suddenly brings this tremendously powerful technology well within the reach of most IT and network teams.
The virtual GigaStor is here! And you need to check it out!