Apposite TrafficJam

Apposite TrafficJam

TrafficJam Is a High-Performance, Low-Cost Traffic Generator for Measuring the Capacity of Networks and Networking Equipment


Performance Test Your Networking Equipment

Simulate TCP and UDP traffic streams to test your network. Ultra-portable TrafficJam devices generate up to 1 Gbps of traffic and work with emulation appliances to provide comprehensive performance testing.


Flexible Traffic Generation

Send and receive up to 20 separate TCP connections and UDP streams simultaneously through each of TrafficJam’s two ethernet test ports. Run each stream once, multiple times, or continuously to see how your network or application will respond.

Easy to Use

TrafficJam’s live graphs and statistics promote easy real-time monitoring of connections. Apposite’s intuitive browser-based GUI lets you use multiple devices to test across networks. Test performance to separate physical locations or use a single TrafficJam to run loop testing in a lab.



Test Ports2x Gig Ethernet (copper)
Max. Agg. Throughput2 Gbps
Maximum Packet Rate350,000 pps
Maximum Frame Size9k
Management1x Gigabit Ethernet (GE), 1x RS-232 serial console
Power SupplySingle
SecuritySSH, no SSL. Password Protected
Warranty & Support
Hardware Support1 year
Support & Maintenance1 year
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